No other insect has served the needs of human like the honey bee. For centuries, beekeepers have raised honey bees, harvesting the sweet honey they produce and relying on them to pollinate crops. Honey bees pollinate an estimated one-third of all the food crops we consume.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Green salad
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Food that satisfy your thirst and hunger.
1. Cucumbers

9 Benefits of cucumbers
Cucumbers are the fourth most cultivated
vegetable in the world and known to be one of the best foods for your body's overall health, often referred to as a superfood. Cucumbers are often sprayed with pesticides so it is important to buy organic or even better, grow them yourself.
Thursday, May 4, 2017
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Pigeon peas advantage, health benefits and recipe
Nutritional Value
The serving size of one cup which measures 153 grams provides 43 mg of Vitamin C, 0.536 mg of Vitamin B1, 153 µg of Vitamin B9, 2.4 mg of iron, 0.69 mg of manganese, 181 mg of phosphorus, 29.82 gram of Carbohydrate, 3.294 mg of Vitamin B3 and others. The pigeon peas are rich in proteins, minerals, vitamins and lipids.
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