Sunday, June 24, 2018

Agriculture in different parts of Nepal

        Nepal is an agro-based country. Most of the people in Nepal depend on agriculture which

provides daily needs such as crops, vegetables, fruits etc. Most of the cottage industries in Nepal are

also based on agriculture because it supplies with raw materials. About 66 percent people directly

engaged in farming. Farming is subsistent in nature and crop is mostly integrated with livestock.

Agriculture is known as the backbone of economy of Nepal. Agriculture occupation consists of three

types: food crops, cash crops and mixed crops.

1.Food Crops-

                  The crops that are used for food are called food crops. Rice, maize, wheat, millet, etc. are

good crops. Rice and wheat are grown in the plain areas, in the river banks where the land is hot and

wet. Maize and millet are grown in the dry land of hilly areas.

2.Cash Crops- 

                 The crops that are grown for sale to earn money are called cash crops. Jute, sugarcane,

tobacco, tea, coffee, etc. are cash crops. Jute requires plain land with hot and wet climate. Sugarcane

and tobacco are grown in the plain areas. Crops need water during their growing stage for a short


3.Mixed Crops-

               In some places, varieties of crops are grown at the same time. When more than one crop is

planted at the same time and at the same place, it is called mixed crops. For example, along with

maize, soyabean, beans, etc. are also planted.

Agriculture in Terai Region 
       In the plains the land is very fertile. The rainfall and other climatic condition are also suitable

to grow crops. So, the main occupation of the people in the Terai is agriculture. The main crops

grown in the Terai are rice, wheat, sugar cane, maize, jowar, bajra and pulses. Rice needs hot and wet

climate. There must be plenty of water during the period of its growth. The rice-growing season lasts

about five months.

           Wheat is a winter crop. It is

sown sometime in October or

November, after the rains have

stopped. The crop becomes ready in

five months. The harvesting of

wheat is generally completed by the

middle of April. In the terai, the farmers also grow sugar cane. Sugar cane grows and ripens in about

ten months. The juice is in the stem of the plant. When the plants are ripe, they are cut and sent to the

sugar factory for crushing. The juice of the sugar cane is obtained by crushing. Then the juice is

refined, and it is used to make molasses (gur), chaku and sugar.  
            Jute is another important crop in the Terai. It is mostly grown in Morang and Jhapa districts.

From the stem of the jute plant a kind of strong fibre is obtained. This is used to make gunny bags,

ropes and a number of other things. Beside these crops, the farmers also grow barley, gram, oilseeds

and many kinds of pulses. They also grow many seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Agriculture in Hilly Region 

         Some people live in hilly areas. It is not unusual to find thick forests growing on the slopes of

hills and mountains. Many of these forests, however, have been cut down. The tea plant grows well

on the slopes of hills where it rains for the most part of the year. The hilly areas of Illam have ideal 

conditions for tea gardening.

        Tea gardens are generally very large. In these gardens many women workers carrying big

baskets on their backs. These women pluck the tealeaves and put them into the basket. When the

basket is full, they carry it to the factory. In the factory, the tealeaves are sorted out and dried in a 

special way. Besides tea, the people in these hilly areas grow rice, sugar cane, maize and many kinds

of vegetables.

Agriculture in Himalayan Region

            In the mountains, rocky and uneven lands are present. In these rocky areas, the soil is not

fertile. The rainfall is also not enough. So, here the land is not good for cultivation. The soil is sandy

and dry. But the mountain region has a vast grassland which good for grazing. So livestock is the

main source of income in the mountain region.

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